
Seanchan Progression System - Specials and Exotics

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Role Play Information

There is another branch in the Seanchan culture that is equally as important as the damane and the military, and is (as usual) closely interwoven in all aspects of Seanchan life.
Among the most prominent of those are the handlers of the Exotics (other than damane) and the Seekers of the Truth.



Seeker of the Truth

RP Requirements


First Seeker

Character must be old enough to have had a minimum of 5 years of experience as a Morat/Seeker before being ready for this position.
3 RP's as a Morat/Seeker progressively showing the skills and talents needed for the higher position.


Seeker of the Truth

1 RP covering the installation of the character in their new position. Morats will be paired with their exotic (cfr. exotics to incorporate the specifics of each breed in to the RP). Seekers will be assigned their first independent task.


Apprentice Seeker

Players may bio up to the point where the character finishes their training and is ready to become a Morat or Seeker. They can also play out their training through RPing. Player's choice.

Freelanders Group

FL Administration

FL Repository

Portal Stone World

Weapon + OP System

PSW Repository

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