
Seanchan Honor

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Honor is extremely important to the Seanchan. All of them. Men, women, slave or nobles. It is so important to them that they will choose suicide over the loss of honor, believing that the act of taking their own life staves off the dishonor.

As you can read in the 'class & rank' section, advancing through the ranks is extremely difficult though not uncommon. These advancements, or in reverse demotions, are all linked very much to the achievement of honor. And in many cases this is carried through over future generations. A soldier raised to the Blood will see that honor transferred to their children and their children's children as the noble status becomes a hereditary one for that soldier's family. Similarly, shame or the loss of honor can also transfer to one's bloodline. Which is one of the reason Seanchan nobility will seek to commit suicide in order to avoid that. However, it is within the Empress' discretion to grant or deny the request to take one's own life. She may decide not to grant it, which is considered by all to be the ultimate punishment. To live with the dishonor known to all.

A word of honor, once given, is considered absolute by all Seanchan.

For the Seanchan, honor and status are directly linked with the ability to look someone in the eyes. To say that someone "has sei'taer" or "is sei'taer" means that they have "face' or "honor". "Face" can be lowered or earned and it can also be lost. "To be sei'mosiev" or "to become sei'mosiev" means "to lose face" (or honor). This is also referred to as "lowered eyes". To say that something would "lower my eyes for months" means that something would put me to shame for months.

To gain honor

Honor can be gained through a vast variety of things, ranging from doing an exceptionally good job to saving the life or livelihood of one of the Blood. To what extent gained honor will be translated into rewards is up to the (High) Blood or Empress, though it should be mentioned that for most Seanchan having their actions noted in a positive way by the Blood or those they serve is considered a high honor onto itself.
Some of the more extreme rewards for gained honor are to be raised to the Blood, being made an upper-servant for free men/women or being spoken to directly by one that stands much higher than yourself (for instance, one of the High Blood speaking directly to a commoner instead of using their Voice).

To lose honor

Similarly, honor can be lost through a variety of things. From doing a poor job that is noticed by the higher ups to betrayal. Again, the extent of punishment received for this will vary depending on the perpetrator, what they did to lose honor and who it affects.
One of the more extreme punishments for losing honor would be to be made da'covale (for the Blood, thereby losing the right to nobility for their bloodline in the process).

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