
The purpose of the Damane

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Damane are used in a wide variety of ways.


In any armed conflict, damane are used as deadly weapons. All damane are highly trained in destructive weaves and thought to use them at a moment's notice.


Damane are also used in the construction of large bridges and structures that would be difficult or impossible without the One Power.


The few damane that are strong in Earth (predominantly a male strength) are highly valued and are used to locate and refine metals and rare ores. These damane are almost never used in battle or construction, for they are much too valuable to lose.


Some damane have a talent for Healing though this is usually restricted to those wealthy enough to afford it or to those of the upper classes. Frequently however, the Healing is refused because it is believed that damane are not human. It would be the same as allowing a dog to be someone's healer. Because the use of this ability is so rare, the ability has dwindled and what little talent there is, is not very developed. The Healing abilities shown by damane are therefore much lower than those of the White Tower in many areas.


Damane are also used at parties and celebrations, though only by those who can afford it. They perform somewhat similar services as the Illuminators but use the One Power for it and the resulting fireworks are much more impressive than anything the Illuminators can provide.


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