
Class structure and Rank of the Seanchan

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The Seanchan have a very strict Class Structure and are governed by a complex Rank system.

Class Structure

The Seanchan Class Structure is based upon the concept that everyone has a place in which to serve (the Empire), and everyone should be in their place. That does not mean that there are no power struggles, only that those struggles are almost always between members of the same class. There is an absolute strict manner in which Seanchan are supposed to behave towards others depending their mutual class relations. It is, for instance, absolutely forbidden to look one of a higher class directly in the eyes. The larger the class difference, the more restrictions and the more distinct the deference of the lower to the higher becomes. Right to the point where people have to prostrate themselves in the presence of those that stand much higher than themselves. This behavior is so rigidly driven home to every Seanchan, that each of them considers it the height of rudeness, defiance or outright criminal behavior to do otherwise. In other words, it is considered to be completely natural by all.
There are 5 Seanchan classes:

slaves - free men/women - Blood - High Blood - Empress/Emperor

Rank System

Unlike what you may think, a person's class does not automatically translate into rank or power. Because slavery is so widespread and integrated into the Seanchan Culture, it is quite possible for slaves to outrank free commoners and, in some cases, even those of the Blood. In this culture, where everyone is supposed to be in their place, it is quite difficult to advance through the ranks. For commoners, free men and women, the only chance to advance is often by giving up their freedom in order to become da'covale, or one who is property. Another way is to join the army and earn honor through service in the military. While da'covale may never become of the Blood, that is possible for those that move through the ranks through the military. It is a rare honor for a commoner of free birth to be chosen as a high-level servant (slave), but one that is eagerly sought. The loss of freedom, even for future generations, is believed to be a small price to pay for such advancement.

    ball01c.gif Rank among the da'covale

    Da'covale are the servants in the Seanchan empire and they are all property. Some of the most powerful and honored members of the Seanchan society are actually the property of the Imperial Family.
    A da'covale's rank is directly related to the station of their master or mistress. But it is not clean-cut. Lower ranking slaves of a higher ranking master will still defer to higher ranking slaves of a lower ranking master.

    The lowest rank among the slaves is held by the damane, or leashed ones. These are the women that have the spark of the One Power born in them and would begin to channel, whether thought or not. They are considered less than human, though of high value. Much like a prized stallion would be in other cultures. Damane are, in fact, treated exactly like animals, all be it high valued one. By law, the vast majority of the damane are owned by the Empress. Which is quite logical, since the power of the Empire is largely built on the use of damane. For anyone to have a too great number of damane in their possession would be seen as a 'rise above their station' and a threat to the Empire, which would certainly bring thorough investigation and in most cases severe punishment. If only to discourage others from getting any ideas.

    The middle ranks among the da'covale hold the majority of them in positions such as dressers, hairdressers, maids, stable help, cooks, etc. Among them there are many different layers of rank in combination to their respective masters. These are the servants that, for the most part, perform the every day tasks of maintaining a household.

    The highest ranks among the da'covale are known as the 'upper class servants' such as the so'jhin (the hereditary upper class servants of the Blood) and hold a greater or lesser amount of authority, honor and power. Depending on the position itself, the standing of the masters and the situation in which they find themselves. Some of these have such great authority that even those of the Blood must defer to them under the right circumstances. It is this type of position that is eagerly sought by most commoners, though very rarely bestowed on them.
    A few examples of upper class servants, in no particular order of authority:


    he/she is a hereditary da'covale who literally speaks for their master/mistress. Only those of the Blood use a Voice, as they will seldom address anyone of a lower rank themselves, except to bestow immense honor upon them. The Voice receives their instruction from their master through a complex series of hand and finger signals.


    these are the only women that can safely handle the damane through the a'dam. Not everyone can become a Sul'dam and it is therefore also not a hereditary position. For the ability to handle the a'dam is a natural occurrence, much like the ability to channel is in the damane. When a girl is chosen to become Sul'dam it is always a time for great joy and celebration in her family. For not only is she on her way of becoming a much respected member of the Empire, her family also gains prestige through her being chosen.

    Deathwatch Guard

    they are the personal guard of the Imperial family and are among the most honored servants in the Empire. They are the property of the Imperial Personage, but are often loaned to others as a sign of Imperial favor.
    This is not a hereditary position and anyone, usually from the military, can be recruited for it, though only the most skilled and exceptional warriors gain this immense honor.

    Seekers of the Truth

    this is a police and spy organization that belongs to the Imperial Throne. Also not hereditary, the Seekers are recruited from all levels of Society, though usually not of the Blood. Their vast authority and power secures them a high level of respect and fear within the Empire.


    they are part of the spy organization, usually drafted by the Seekers. Their job is to find information without being found out. Some get a specific target that they need to infiltrate and gather intelligence on, others have a standing order of reporting back anything that might indicate signs of treason, darkfriends or ability to channel. The existence of Listeners is publicly known by all Seanchan, which helps in enforcing the proper behavior, thought patterns and speech in most of the populace. It also forces those with something to hide to be much more creative and circumspect to avoid notice.

    Soe'feia or Truthspeaker

    a non-hereditary position used only by the Imperial Family and often miss-understood by all others, even those of the High Blood. Their job is to speak the truth at all times and without fear of their lives to their master/mistress. Whether the latter wishes to hear it or not and regardless of who is present at the time.


    The Blood - The High Blood

    The Blood is the only class in Seanchan that is allowed to rule in any form. That includes holding leadership positions such as captain of a ship or general of an army. Among them, however, there are many layers of higher and lower forms of Blood and who must defer to whom.

    There are two main divisions among the Blood: The Low Blood and the High Blood.

    Low Blood or simply Blood, can be anyone that has risen through the ranks and has been raised to the Blood by one of the High Blood. This is very rare and the most heard of cases are military that have excelled in their service to the Empire and gain the raise to the Blood along with a military promotion. Member of the Blood are referred to and addressed as Lady or Lord.

    da'covale can never be raised to the Blood. Only free men and women can.

    The High Blood are the equivalent of royalty in a kingdom that is part of a greater Empire. Where Kings and Queens are High Blood who defer to the Empress and her appointed Heir. High Blood have a much higher authority than those of the Low Blood and hold positions of much greater importance. A military example of this would be for instance the person that commands the entire army in a campaign while a non-military example is for instance a King from a country belonging to the Empire. It is possible for one not born in the High Blood to become one by being raised to the High Blood. Only the Empress has this authority, however, and she will determine the number of Blood each of her High Blood may raise in turn. Members of the High Blood are referred to and addressed as High Lady or High Lord.

    The highest level of the Blood, save for the Imperial Personage, are the members of the Imperial Family. For they are in line to become Heir to the Crystal Throne.

    The Daughter/Son of the Nine Moons

    The Heir to the throne outranks all Blood and stands just a step below the Empress herself. That is, when they are not 'under the veil'.
    When they are wearing a very thin, see-through veil over their head, the Heir is to be considered as simply one of the High Blood. The manner in which she/he is approached, addressed and deferred to is then similar to any other High Blood member. Namely as a High Lady or High Lord.

    When the Heir removes the veil, she/he becomes 'the Daughter/Son of the Nine Moons' and is addressed with 'Highest Daughter/Son'. In this state, the High Blood will show her the same level of deference one of the Low Blood would show them.

    The Imperial Personage

    The Imperial Personage rules absolute from the Court of the Nine Moons. She/He is the Empire. The Imperial Personage has supreme power over all her subjects and appoints the Heir to the Crystal Throne who then becomes the Daughter/Son of the Nine Moons.

    The Empress is always referred to as 'the Empress, may she live forever'. That last part is always added whenever the word 'Empress' is used and in most cases even in thought. Before the Empress, all prostrate themselves, even those of the High Blood, until given permission to rise.

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