Progression System of the Ogier


General Info on the Ogier

Role Play Information

Check the biography guidelines for the Ogier to find out up to which level you may bio your character.

All RP's may be done as solo RP's until such time that there are enough active Ogier characters to RP with. The FL Staff will monitor the situation and make the necessary      adjustments to this rule when needed.

When  you have fulfilled the conditions required to be raised to the role you desire, send a private message to Mystica at Dragonmount with your request and a link to your      character's record thread at the Training Ground.

Each character may have up to 2 of the below mentioned roles, so long as the conditions for those roles are met. The FL Staff reserves the right to replace inactive players     where needed. Inactive Tree Singers will be admin forced in a situation that will leave them with their ability blocked so that the spot becomes available to active members.

RP's must be of a decent size to count. There is no fixed number of posts, paragraphs or word count on this at this time, as we hope you will use your common sense in this.     Should this become a problem in the future, the FL Staff may decide to tighten the conditions on this.

Anyone who has obtained one of these roles becomes eligible to be a member of the Ogier Training Staff.
    To apply for the position: add this request to your pm to Mystica as described above.


TS Requirements

As a Training Staff member you need to:

  • be an active member of the Ogier Guild for at least 3 months
  • be able to RP at least once a week for the Ogier
  • be willing to update your Potential's records on the Training Ground board
  • be willing to be an active and contributing Training Staff member in the FL Group


Speaker - 10 positions available

You must have at least 1 RP before your character can claim to be a Speaker at the Great Stump.

Note: it is highly unlikely that an Ogier younger than 150 years would be allowed to speak at the Stump.

Tree Singer - 8 positions available

You must have at least 1 RP in which your character is apprentice to an existing Tree Singer

Stonemason - 10 positions available

You must have at least 1 RP in which your character is apprentice to an existing Stonemason


If you obtain the level of Council Elder for your character,  you will also become a member of the Ogier Leadership Staff OOC.
    The FL Staff reserves the right to demote/replace any Elder according to the needs of the Guild. If demoted, your character will revert back to the status of a regular adult Ogier.


              Leadership Requirements

              As a Ogier Staff member you need to:

              • be an active member of the Ogier Guild for at least 6 months
              • be a positive and contributing member of the Freelanders Group
              • be able to RP at least once a week for the Ogier
              • be willing to act as a Trainer when needed
              • be actively involved in all IC and OOC matters of the Ogier
              • assist the FL Staff in OOC Kin administration where needed


Council Elder

You must have at least:

  • Character who is a minimum of 300 years old
  • 1 character building RP
  • 1 main storyline RP
  • 1 RP training a youngster as an adult Ogier

There are currently only 6 positions available in the Council. Should the Ogier Guild grow and have a greater number of steadily active members, the FL Staff will revise the situation and this number may then grow.

Council Elders will be looked at to guide, lead and aid the Ogier society. To that end, the activity level of the player will be taken into account when appointing Council Elders.

Freelanders Group

FL Administration

FL Repository

Portal Stone World

Weapon + OP System

PSW Repository

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